In recent years, we have witnessed a trend in which more and more couples who are divorcing choose to raise their children in joint custody – the children spend half of the time with the mother and sleep in her home, and half of the time they are with the father.
Until recently, the alimony obligation – even when it was a joint parenting alimony arrangement – applied to the father although in many cases he was required to pay reduced alimony fees. Still, this was his sole obligation.
Recently, following a new ruling, there has been a change in the issue of joint parenting alimony. Now, when it comes to children aged 6-15 in joint custody, alimony is supposed to be divided equally between both parents – of course, taking into account the earnings of each of them.
Today, more and more couples who are in divorce proceedings or before filing a claim for child support find it difficult to understand what their obligations are in this matter. Although the legal system shows flexibility on the subject of joint parenting and alimony and adapts itself to the times, not all couples who divorce choose joint custody. Therefore, this ruling does not apply to them.
Even in cases where they choose joint custody, there are still situations in which the circumstances change, and as a result, it becomes necessary to submit a request for an increase in alimony. For example, if there is a change which causes the children to be more with the mother and less with the father, if the mother’s economic situation worsens, a benefit in the father’s economic situation, or other substantial changes from the time when a decision was made to divorce alimony.
In such cases, the recommendation is to contact a family law attorney who specializes in the field of child support claims to advise you throughout the process.
Do you have questions about divorce alimony? Do you need support in any other process related to divorce proceedings or the payment of alimony?
Attorney Ziv Beitel has comprehensive professional knowledge and years of experience handling cases of this type. He makes sure to keep up to date with all the latest changes and rulings in the field of joint parenting and alimony.
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